
Page-Turner Fiction LLC

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Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Time is running out!

There are only a few hours left to grab your copy of my WRITER SUCCESS BUNDLE at an exclusive 30% discount off the bundle's already substantially discounted price! The Black Friday special discounts are closing down in just a few hours!

Here is the link you need:

The link includes your special coupon to get 30% off. If you don't see it on the final checkout form, the coupon code is BLACKFRIDAYDEAL.

Enter the coupon code and click the APPLY COUPON button to get the 30% discount.

If you change your purchase to a monthly payment plan, you have to re-enter the coupon code and use the APPLY COUPON button to see that 30% discount applied to the monthly payments.

When you grab your copy of the WRITER SUCCESS BUNDLE today, here's what you'll discover...

• You get EVERY e-book and EVERY course we offer, AND a personal one-on-one phone call to help you with your writing questions and problems.

• How to finally understand why your novel needs a story world--and how to create one appropriate to your genre—no matter what genre you write!

• Discover exactly how writing great scenes—the building blocks of any novel—can make your writing far more powerful. And learn the techniques to make writing such scenes easy!

• How to overcome the problem of not knowing quite how to turn your story idea into a novel concept strong enough to support a full-length novel.

Click that link now, and see how you can get a package valued well over $1000, and that is normally priced 20% less than that, for an ADDITIONAL 30% less than the normal price!


P.S.> These deals are for Black Friday ONLY. Which means you do not want to "bookmark this for later." After 24 hours, they are gone!

Page-Turner Fiction LLC

I am a major cheerleader for novelists who want to turn their writing into a professional career. My newsletter provides cost-effective tips and tools that can help them build their career as quickly as possible without spending a fortune!

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