
Page-Turner Fiction LLC

Did you miss this? Save up to 50%...but act fast!

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Time is running out!

There are only a few hours left to grab the CyberWeek Savings for writing tools. The coupon discounts go away at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT ET.

If you want to take advantage of these great savings, use the links and coupons below to learn more about the products and choose your favorites. The savings are great, but they go away in only a few more hours!

Each product type (i.e., e-book, course, combo, etc.) has a coupon code for various levels of discounts. Just apply the coupon code to your choice of product and--ta-DA! Great savings are in your reach.

Discounted prices range from $2 and up, so there's something in everyone's price range!

Two things to note:

The products have a GIFT option on the checkout form, so if there's another writer in your life, click that box and you'll be directed to enter that person's email and name, and they will receive a gift receipt and full access to the product you select.

More expensive products have a pyament plan! Yes, you can pay in installments if that's easier on your budget!

TO USE THE COUPONS: FIRST select the payment option (if one is available on the product you want)--a single payment or a mulit-payment plan.

THEN enter the appropriate coupon code for that product in the coupon box, and be sure to tap APPLY COUPON. You'll get a message that the coupon was successfully applied. If you get an error--check your spelling!

Then scroll down to the very bottom of the page to confirm that the coupon was correclty applied to your order. Note that for the payment plans, the discount comes off EVERY payment, not just the first one!

FINALLY, just check out as usual.

Want to know what the special deals are? They're GREAT:

Use the Links for each product to see product details and get your chosen products!

E-BOOKS: All are 50% off using coupon BLACKFRIDAYEBOOKon any of these. Just enter the coupon code, click on APPLY COUPON and the discount is there.


Page-Turner Fiction: SCENES



INDIVIDUAL COURSES have coupon code BLACKFRIDAYCOURSE and save 30% off list pricefor these individually:

Start Your Story Right Short Course

7 Days to Page-Turner Scenes Course


COMBO SETS these have coupons for 20% off (as a combo, they’re already discounted, so this is on top of that discount: Coupon is BLACKFRIDAYCOMBO

Start Your Story Right e-book+course+30minute phone call:

Make It Great Combo (Start Your Story Course & E-book, Scenes Course & E-book, 1-chapter critique (up to 5000 words), and 30-minute phone call:

Finish Your Book combo (same as Make It Great, but with a critique of up to 40,000 words of ms. and a 60-minute call instead of 30 minutes)


MANUSCRIPT EVALUATION SERVICES all have 10% off. All except the chapter critique also have payment plans. Coupon isBLACKFRIDAYNOV25

One Chapter to 5000 words

Partial of up to 40,000 words

Full ms. to 100,000 words

Full ms. 100,000 to 150,000 words


Phone Consultations about your writing—brainstorming, answering questions, strategizing… You can choose 30-minute or 60-minute calls on the checkout form. Get 40% off that with coupon BLACKFRIDAYCONSULT


Take a look and see what gifts you can give yourself or the writer in your life.

REMEMBER, these coupons are only good through Tuesday, so do NOT delay! Get your writing gifts today!

Page-Turner Fiction LLC

I am a major cheerleader for novelists who want to turn their writing into a professional career. My newsletter provides cost-effective tips and tools that can help them build their career as quickly as possible without spending a fortune!

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