
Page-Turner Fiction LLC

Four Free E-books For You. (And I dare you to say that 3 times fast!)

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Writing Page-Turner Fiction: You Can Do It!

You know, everyone talks about how EASY it is to get books published on Amazon, and honestly, it IS easy--once you've done it a time or four!

The problem is that while none of the steps are particularly difficult to do, there are a significant number of those steps needed to get your book out and published in the way you want it to appear in public. There's the writing of course. And the editing. And the re-editing, and the rewriting.

And then you get to format the book. Which itself is not a trivial thing because, quite honestly, most of us write manuscripts using Word, right? And Word cannot create the mandatory EPUB format file that you need to upload.

Scrivener can create that file for you using its "Compile" function, but twiddling with that to create a properly formatting ebook is...yeah. Not so easy. Very twiddly and time consuming.

There are also a couple of commercial programs that format for you: Vellum, is one, but it's only available on the Mac (NO plans to put it on the PC, so you folks are out of luck.) And it's pricey.

Less expensive is Atticus, a brand new product that works online or on Mac or PC, so pretty much everyone can use it. But it too has its quirks, and if you didn't create your Word (or Scrivener) files with transitioning into Atticus in mind...well, that's another whole pre-formatting format you have to do.

Getting a suitable Table of Contents is an experience in itself, no matter what program you're using.

Then once you get your beautiful file (and you've gotten beautiful covers from a professional cover NOT skip that step, even if you think you're the next Van Gogh. What did Van Gogh know about creating book covers anyway, right?) As I say, once you have your book's innards properly formatted and your cover ready, then you get to go to the next step and tackle Amazon's pages.

Sigh...let me just say, this is a challenge. Especially the first handful of times you do it when every step seems like a hidden bear trap. You can do it quick and dirty--but if you want a professional book, you have to take the time to do it right.

So why am I telling you all about this?

Becaues as of today, ALL FOUR of my Page-Turner Fiction books are now up and available for sale on Amazon. Even better, all four of them are available for FREE in the Kindle Unlimted program. Seriously. Free. If you're a Kindle Unlimited member, you know that's no joke.

You can click on any of the covers below and check out the books. And get them FREE. But please, if you do get the book and enjoy it, please leave me a review on Amazon. And drop me a line at to let me know what you liked about the book--or books! Yes, you can get any or all of them.

FREE. (Have I said that enough?)

Thanks for listening.

Oh, and the World Building book will be available in paperback version probably later this week or early next week.


Page-Turner Fiction LLC

I am a major cheerleader for novelists who want to turn their writing into a professional career. My newsletter provides cost-effective tips and tools that can help them build their career as quickly as possible without spending a fortune!

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